Text Box: Come and join the fun for the second CWCC fundraising quiz night.   
It’s before all the rush of Christmas starts, but may get you in the festive mood!  We look forward to seeing you!
Text Box:  cwcc Quiz supper
Text Box: Licensed bar
Fish (or chicken) and chip supper
Tables of eight
£10 per person
7.30 for 7.45 (prompt) start
Text Box: at 
Chorleywood Memorial Hall
Text Box: Date: 2nd December 2006
Text Box: Time: 7.30pm
Text Box: Payment to be sent to Jane at:
12 Rushmoor Close, Rickmansworth, WD3 1NA
Cheques should be made payable to Chorleywood Cricket Club
Text Box: Please reply (with your food order) to:
Text Box: Jane Spurr	
Tel: 01923 776936