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Paul GraverNew!
We have received news that earlier this week Paul Graver, who lots of us know as one of our long-standing Umpires, suffered a stroke and is currently starting his recovery in Watford General Hospital. All our best wishes go to Paul and to his family as we hope that he is able to make a full recovery as soon as possible.

Posted by Robert Dunstone on 26th Apr 09

Congratulations .....New!
..... and thanks to Tim Pendered who has single-handedly designed and constructed a new sight screen for the Common End. It is 20cms higher than the existing so that batters can see balls out of the hands of tall bowlers (could be a disadvantage!). One of the other existing sight screens will be extended by 20cms to match. Tim’s magnificent effort has cost about £800 in materials and saved the Club almost a 4 figure sum from not having to purchase new. We are all most grateful to Tim

Posted by Owen Edis on 10th Apr 09

1st Class AchievementNew!
Many congratulations to our 1st XI skipper Matt Watson who has been selected to make his first-class debut for Oxford Universities against Worcestershire at The Parks in Oxford in a 3-day game starting on Saturday (11th April). Best of luck from the whole club to Matt - this a great achievement and hopefully the first game of many for you.

Posted by Nigel Tyler on 9th Apr 09

The BarNew!
The Bar will be open this sunday lunchtime ....what better way to relax..

Posted by Simon Dare on 2nd Apr 09

Club StructureNew!
Attached is the new Club structure for this year with names of the Group Leaders. There are several vacancies for leadership positions temporarily being covered by Owen and Simon such as Events, Cricket Kit and Fund Raising, and there are more members required in the Action Groups. We would like to see more players volunteering to do a little bit to help the smooth functioning of the Club. So please let the group leaders or Owen know if you are willing to do a little to help with any of the functions listed. With only 3 weeks to go to the season, this is the time to be putting your name forward. Best of luck for the new season.

Posted by Martin Tyler on 25th Mar 09

Opportunities to spend money...New!
Can I take this opportunity to offer you 3 ways to boost the economy..

1. We have two more sessions of senior indoor nets, 5-7 on Sundays at Clement Danes - why not hone your skills and at £6 a session help the spending power of the club

2. On Sunday at nets we are launching our new club "Warm Up Tops", only £9 each a must for all players and finally and most importantly..

3. The Club pre season Quiz Night

18th April 7.30 Chorleywood Memorial Hall - £10 per person (tables of 8). Our aim is raise enough money at this event to buy some "On Square Cricket Nets". These will enable us to offer vital grass track practice to all age groups and teams and as this is this purpose of the event I hope that current senior players and Colts parents / players will be able to support the events which in previous years has been a fantastic success, if you want tickets please call Helen Smithson on 01923 720360, Jane Spurr on 01923 776936 or Simon Dare on 01923 771867

Posted by Simon Dare on 25th Mar 09

Cricket Managers BriefingNew!
Click here for Simon's season briefing including updated rules for the champagne challenge.

Posted by Martin Tyler on 5th Mar 09

CWCC Project UpdateNew!
Click here for an update on the square/pavilion project.

Posted by Martin Tyler on 2nd Mar 09

Winter NetsNew!
Senior nets will start at Clement Danes School on Sunday afternoons between 5-00pm and 7-00pm from February 22nd for seven weeks. Please put the dates in your diaries now so we can have as good an attendance as possible.

Posted by Martin Tyler on 18th Feb 09

Click here for the latest CWCC Newsletter.

Posted by Robert Dunstone on 3rd Feb 09

Waitrose AppealNew!
From today, Chorleywood Cricket club is one of three local bodies who will be vying for votes in the latest Waitrose Community Matters charity initiative in their store in Rickmansworth.

This is a scheme where three local charities get chosen each month to receive part of a £1000 donation. A poster for each charity is put at the welcome desk with a tube below. Each customer is given a token for which they can use as a vote, they put this token in relievent tube. At the end of the month the tokens get weighed and each body will receive a portion as per percentage of tokens they receive, ie 50% tokens = £500.

There is no lower limit to the value of purchases that you need to make in order to qualify - each purchase gets you a token.

So please, if you are able to, get along to Waitrose in Rickmansworth as often as you can in the next month and cast your vote - the more times you do it, the more money the club will receive!!!

Many thanks for your help with this - to borrow a line from another supermarket "every little helps"!

Posted by Robert Dunstone on 27th Jan 09

John AyresNew!
It is with much regret that we report the death of John Ayres. John was for many years associated with local sports clubs. Firstly with Old Fullerians Rugby Club where, after retiring from playing, he took over the running of their successful Colts sides and then became for many years a most efficient Club Fixture Secretary.

In the summer John played for both Rickmansworth and Chorleywood Cricket Clubs and, although not a regular with Rickmansworth First XI, he made a habit of taking vital wickets when playing for Ricky against Chorleywood in the late 1960's and early 1970's.

At Chorleywood John will be most remembered for forming the "Chorleywood Strollers" in the early 1980's. This was a side designed for those of all age grooups who had neither the time nor the inclination to play regular league cricket. Their fixtures were mostly against good village sides and whilst played seriously also allowed for honesty, good sportsmanship, good humour and good socialising at the end of the matches. These qualities epitomised all that John stood for and the Strollers continue to this day. John was made a Vice-President of Chorleywood Cricket Club for his significant contribution to the Club.

John, we will miss you especially, as will your daughters Joanna and Karen who have all our thoughts and sympathy at this time.

The funeral is at Amersham crematorium on Tuesday 27th January at 2.30pm

Posted by Martin Tyler on 19th Jan 09

Owen's 70thNew!
There's a photo of Owen in the gallery, celebrating his 70th birthday at the clubhouse on New Years Day

Posted by Martin Tyler on 15th Jan 09

League AveragesNew!
The league averages have been published..pride of place goes to Luke who topped the Div 2 batting lists and was the only player in all Divs hit 1000 runs...The Watson twins were 5th and 7th in the bowling! Ben and Tom appear in the Div 6 batting table and yet again Russel H represents us in the bowling. Tomsie and Jonny Lyons were 3rd and 6th in the Div 10 batting averages with Sinders our top bowler..and Rosie gets a special mention for being top wicket taker in Div 14 and had the best bowling performance with 6-21

Posted by Simon Dare on 13th Jan 09

Spot the Ball!New!
Go to the Spot the Ball page to see details of a new competition starting on the first Sunday in Feb - at the lunchtime bar opening.

Posted by Martin Tyler on 9th Jan 09

Club Mission and VisionNew!
For those who may not have seen it at the AGM, the 2009 Mission and Vision approved for our Club is now posted under the ABOUT tab on this website. Every member needs to learn it by heart and will be tested prior to the first game of the season!!!

I wish a Happy and Healthy Cricketing New year to all our Members

Posted by Owen Edis on 5th Jan 09

Message from the ChairmanNew!
Wishing all Members a Very Merry Christmas. I hope to see you at the open Clubhouse on NYD to wish you personally a Happy New Year. If you don't have it already, why not make the Club website your internet home page for 2009. Have a great festive season!

Posted by Martin Tyler on 22nd Dec 08

Club HouseNew!
Please have a look at these photos and let us know in the guestbook your thoughts on the new furniture - should we keep it or not?

Posted by Martin Tyler on 17th Dec 08

Chess Valley AwardsNew!
Congratulations to Mike Dunning for winning the Dukes Chess Valley Division One Bowler of the Year award, and of course to Luke Vivian for winning the Batting award.

Posted by Martin Tyler on 27th Nov 08

Quiz NightNew!
Unfortunately the Quiz Night planned for this Saturday has been postponed until the new year sometime. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Posted by Martin Tyler on 26th Nov 08

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