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Chorleywood Residents NewsletterNew!
Owen has informed me that the latest Chorleywood residents newsletter mentions the CWCC project on pages 2 and 18.

Posted by Martin Tyler on 19th Nov 08

Spain PhotosNew!
I have just added some photos from our Spanish tour.. there was some cricket played eventually. Click here to see them.

Posted by Martin Tyler on 26th Oct 08

Annual Presentation DinnerNew!
Don't forget about the annual presentation dinner coming up on Friday November 14th. Click here for more details.

Posted by Martin Tyler on 24th Oct 08

2008 ReportsNew!
Click here to read Simons report on the 2008 season.

and Click here for Owens report.

Posted by Martin Tyler on 7th Oct 08

Don't forget the AGM on October 8th (next wednesday) starting at 8pm in the club house.

Beer will be available at very reasonable prices, and there was cheese and biscuits last year too!

Posted by Martin Tyler on 2nd Oct 08

New PhotosNew!
Two new sets of action photos from Retty, go to the photos section.

Posted by Martin Tyler on 22nd Sep 08

Watsons WicketsNew!
Congratulations to Matt and Duncan Watson for both reaching 50 Saturday League wickets this season. Click here for a nice photo of the couple.

There's also a photo of a cake to celebrate the first 4th XI league match.

Posted by Martin Tyler on 8th Sep 08

Runners up!New!
Congratulations to all our 1st XI players on winning promotion to Division 1 of the Herts League. The Committee and members are delighted with this result and also recognise the support given behind the scenes by all those who helped to make this achievement possible. Well done everyone.

- The Club Chairman

Posted by Martin Tyler on 7th Sep 08

Click here for the latest CWCC newsletter.

Posted by Martin Tyler on 29th Aug 08

End of Season SocialNew!
The last Saturday league matches take place on Saturday 6th September and hopefully they'll be plenty to celebrate. Please come down to the club for an end of season drink - food will be served and Simon will also be presenting the winners of the Champagne Challenge.

Posted by Martin Tyler on 28th Aug 08

Website issuesNew!
Sorry for the slowness the last few days, back to full speed now i think. I'll try and catch up on the recent scores now its working again.

Posted by Martin Tyler on 26th Aug 08

Club Day On Sunday!!New!
Please CLICK HERE to see the teams and the rules for sunday.

The important part is the first game is at 10:30am so don't be late!

Posted by Martin Tyler on 21st Aug 08

Club DayNew!

Click for bigger version.

Posted by Martin Tyler on 7th Aug 08

More website changes..New!
The Player Profile pages have now changed. The profile is now a lot more of a summary, including top all time performances. You can then go to a statistics page (for the season or all time) which is like the old profile page with the graphs and full list of performances. There is also still the season statistics summary which shows a single line per season.

Various tweaks and updates to other pages too, like putting the result of the matches into the top performances pages - so you can see if the big scores or wickets were in vain.

Any comments or suggestions welcome. (Apart from a 6 hitting league Johnny!)

Posted by Martin Tyler on 6th Aug 08

Saturday 1st Team Wicket ChaseNew!
Congrats to Duncan who is now the leading league Sat 1s wicket taker...will he be the first to get to 200 sometime next year?

Posted by Simon Dare on 3rd Aug 08

Another member of the 300 clubNew!
Well done Rosie has 300 wickets this century

Posted by Simon Dare on 3rd Aug 08

Jugs league, run chase and wicket chaseNew!
You can now hover over the jugs or the sections of the graph on the jugs league and run/wicket chase pages to see what they represent - you can also click on them to take you to the scorecard for the relevant match. Have a go, knock yourself out!

Posted by Martin Tyler on 31st Jul 08

Tour PhotosNew!
Some photos from the Wiltshire tour are now online - click here.

Posted by Martin Tyler on 31st Jul 08

The 4s Win PromotionNew!
Well done to the 18 players who represented the Clubs 4th Team in its first season , they have attained promotion with a Won 7 Drew 1 Lost 2 record....a fine achievement

Posted by Simon Dare on 28th Jul 08

Maiden tons ..New!
Congratulations to Tom Smithson and Martin Tyler who both hit their first 100's for Chorleywood in todays draw at London Colney ... both finished on 100 not out.

Posted by Nigel Tyler on 27th Jul 08

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