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Your Club Needs You...New!
Click here - from Club Secretary Owen Edis

Posted by Martin Tyler on 19th Sep 07

Joy and PainNew!
Congrats to Dave Brabham for hitting the 100 wicket mark (on the website) - he got 70 odd in a season before the website started he says!

and get well soon to Retty, who took a beamer to the face yesterday and ended up at Watford General with a broken jaw. You'll be pleased to know his hair was not harmed in the incident.

Posted by Martin Tyler on 17th Sep 07

Yet another milestone ...New!
Congratulations to Steve Toms who passed the mammoth mark of 4000 runs in sundays promotion clinching victory against Chipperfield..... and to Alex Hodgkinson for hitting the 2000 a few weeks ago

Posted by Nigel Tyler on 11th Sep 07

Promotion, Promotion, PromotionNew!
Congratulations to the Saturday 1sts who gained promotion, the Saturday 2nds who gained promotion as champions and also the Sunday 1sts who gained promotion.

Here's to a tougher season next year!

Posted by Martin Tyler on 11th Sep 07

More MilestonesNew!
Congratulations to Nigel "Angry Badger" Rothband who passed the 2000 runs mark yesterday with his innings in the win over Chipperfield ... and also to Johnny Rice who beat Brabs in the race to be the next 100 wicketer in the sunday 2's narrow loss to Boxmoor yesterday.

Posted by Nigel Tyler on 10th Sep 07

Quiz NightNew!
Jane is organising another quiz night.. here are the details.

Saturday 6th October at the Memorial Hall in Chorleywood, 7:30 for 7:45 start.

"Posh" Ploughman's supper, Licenced bar, Tables of 8, £10 per person.

Further details/booking requests contact Jane Spurr. Tel: 01923 776936. email:

Posted by Martin Tyler on 3rd Sep 07

Runs, runs, runs ...New!
Congratulations to Matt Watson who, with his 60 yesterday, reached exactly 1000 runs for the season (694 of them in the saturday league 1's). Darey isnt far behind in the run chase on 844 runs and with a potential 7 games left the race is on! In the wicket chase it looks like a straight fight between the two Watsons with Matt only 3 behind Chunky ... although Dunners could still sneak up from behind if he plays enough games ...

Posted by Nigel Tyler on 2nd Sep 07

Saturday First TeamNew!
Congratulations to the Saturday first team , the squad have gain promotion to Div 2 with a fine win over Southgate Adelaide....the celebrations will begin after the final game next saturday , no doubt the stars will be signing autographs etc.

Posted by Simon Dare on 2nd Sep 07

Lots of new photosNew!
Lots of new photos in the photo gallery.. starting with the Kent Tour.. a few from Crafty's personal collection, another cricketing celeb photo and all the fun from Club Day

Posted by Martin Tyler on 31st Aug 07

Thats the ton ....New!
Congratulations to Graeme Edwards who reached the 100 wickets mark on saturday last week ... who's going to be next? Brabs or JR?

Posted by Nigel Tyler on 30th Aug 07

Clubmark DayNew!

On Thursday 30th August our Club is being audited for Clubmark accreditation. To achieve Clubmark is necessary if we are to be able to obtain grants from the ECB towards vital improvements to the Club in the next few years.

Four key elements of this review are inspection of our policies, procedures and plans for:

  1. Our duty of care in safeguarding children
  2. Our cricket programme especially coaching
  3. Our sports equity and ethics
  4. Our Club management

A key element of 4 above, is that the Club has a development plan for next few years that is supported by you the members. Your Management Committee have been working on this during recent months and it is attached for your viewing. We hope all members will buy in to what is proposed.

In summary it has three key thrusts:

  1. to change the organisation and method of running the Club
  2. to move the square further from the road
  3. to build a new modern pavilion in keeping with the surroundings

1 above requires that we share the key functions of the Club over a much wider range of people through several new and important Action Groups being formed. You can see what these are from the table on Page 8 of the development plan.

On Clubmark Thursday, a colts match and colts coaching session has been arranged to take place during the audit. Several members of the Management Committee will be present to show our Hertfordshire Cricket Development Manager, Richard Darwin, what the Club is all about.

Wish us luck!!!

Click here for more details

Posted by Martin Tyler on 29th Aug 07

Don't forget club day on sunday, come down even if you arent playing! Forget X Factor, come and see some real talent at Chorleywood Idol. Sadly no Danni Minogue though.

Team A Team B Team C Team D Team E Team F Team G Team H
F Dare P Downing R Hodgkinson N Tyler S Dunning J Rose A Hodgkinson M Cullen
R Marsh D Clarke S Cant M Tyler M Dunning P Riddlestone J Shafe T Coates
T Smithson J Clarke J van der Wald D Tipping P Dunning R Fairbain R Wise C Duncan
J Smithson N Ret R Webb T Tipping A Dunning D Scott B Burkill A Dickson
L Ryan O O'Mara J Rice A Lowe M Watson J Van Dyke N Faith M Dimanno
D Harrigan W Pendred S Botterill C Lowe M Philpott J Shearing J O'Dwyer M Lucas
S Ord B Vermeulen R Bryden

Posted by Martin Tyler on 22nd Aug 07

Bowling milestone reached ....New!
Congratulations to Nick Rice for passing the 300 wicket barrier in last saturdays match. I just want to make it clear that these are only "since website records began" as Nick actually passed 300 CWCC wickets some time in the 1940's and is actually now closer to 3000 wickets!

Posted by Nigel Tyler on 14th Aug 07

Website issuesNew!
Had to restore some data from backups today. If you spot any issues on the site then let me know

Posted by Martin Tyler on 12th Aug 07

More recordsNew!
Congratulations to Simon Dare for getting his 50th jug (how many has he actually bought?) and also the first person to reach 7000 runs (on the website)

Posted by Martin Tyler on 9th Aug 07

Wednesday GameNew!
We have a game against Kings College on wednesday and we are fielding a team of young stars ...3 Dunnings ,2 Smithsons ,David Harrigam ,James Rose and Freddie so why not come up to the common and see the future .

Posted by Simon Dare on 6th Aug 07

Club Day 2007 ....New!
Sunday August 26 is going to see the annual six a side competition with BBQ and Chorleywood Idol in the evening. There will be a list going up in the club house on tuesday evening, if you want to play in the competition please put your name down so we can start sorting teams out. Everyone, colts and seniors, is welcome to play!

Posted by Nigel Tyler on 30th Jul 07

Batting RecordNew!
A belated congratulations to Nigel 'Angry Badger' Rothband for his record 158 not out against a bunch of actors a few weeks ago. This event was overlooked by the national press, but we thought it deserved a mention.

A photo can be seen by clicking here

Posted by Martin Tyler on 23rd Jul 07

Round the world in lager is cancelled as an offical event now tomorrow night due to the fact that the chances of any of us playing cricket is quite slim ... If we do find ourselves back in the bar we can always do several return trips to Australia and Belgium instead.

Posted by Nigel Tyler on 20th Jul 07

Another one joins the 1000 run club ...New!
Congratulations to Jeff O'Dwyer, newly returned to the club, for reaching his 1000 runs since website records began with 19 against Hitchin on saturday ...

Posted by Nigel Tyler on 18th Jul 07

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